Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Wintery Fall Day

Not too much to report on the donkeys - they are furry and round, as they should be in this frigid weather.  Vida seems to be progressing well in her pregnancy; her tummy is getting bigger as the weeks go on!  Cody is doing well on his partial release from probation.  With a double layer of panels between them, he isn't able to get too much physical contact with the girls, though Frida still is a bit of a tease.  Since getting castrated he has vocally quieted down a lot, I haven't heard him do much of any full-on brays.  He has quite the repertoire of other noises which I will someday attempt to catch on video.  Frida is now the noisiest of the bunch - especially at feeding time!  She will be the one to let loose with a bray and is quite demanding when I am walking over to feed.  Vida has gotten into the fray with soft donkey "nickers". 

They are all really sweet and friendly, which is amazing considering what they've been through.  I have more photos that I had taken on my phone while doing chores that I will have to share, a few glimpses at their daily lives.  Today was a beautiful day for pictures and I even got a pretty pic of a huge gaggle of geese flying overhead.  Cody seems to be a bit camera shy, he constantly looks away or only gives me a profile shot and likes to come stand right next to me, which makes it difficult to even get a photo.  Silly boy!
  Frida, Vida & Cody

Vida's pregnancy shot - look at that growing belly!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I've been waiting for an update. Thanks.
