Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Frida Got Her Bray Back

Over the past couple of weeks Frida has been greeting me every morning and every night with her laryngitis "bray"; a kind of low, murmuring precursor to a bray.  Until two mornings ago when she let loose with full-on girl bray!  Not with the same depth and volume of Cody's brays but with enough volume that it could be heard by the neighbors.  I had thought that she would always be a snuffly brayer but, she found her bray!  Needless to say, I was quite surprised.  She had been getting progressively louder with her murmur and my mom had even heard Frida's increasing volume over the phone so I shouldn't have been too surprised.  Vida, always the quiet one, started with her own murmuring snuffle pre-bray yesterday so only time will tell if she finds hers too. 

The girls are not so neat with their hay compared to their elimination patterns.  Every time I go out they have pushed a good amount out of the stall and into the paddock.  Naughty girls!  I brushed all three of them the other day and decided to attempt to pick their hooves out.  And I mean attempted.  I got one feet on each of them picked before they decided to run off.  Guess I should halter them and tie them up next time!

Cody still seems kinda sad to me.  His incisions from his castration are healing really well and he is normal otherwise.  He isn't braying as much as he was when I brought him home, thankfully!  He's come up lame (for those non-horsey of you, he is limping on one of his front legs) so I need to have the farrier out first to trim his feet and see if he can find anything to explain this acute lameness.  His feet had been poorly cared for previously and so he has some damage to the bones on the inside of his hooves so, I am hoping it isn't anything related to that and that it is something simple, like a hoof abscess (a pocket of infection in his hoof capsule). 

They all enjoy their daily treats - even Cody!  They are so cute when they gently take the treats from my hand.  Cody practically stands there with his mouth open and waits for me to pop the treat in!

I am still suspicious of Vida's pregnancy potential....  Marissa is going to come help me draw blood (and practice her technique!) Friday night and I'll send it off to the lab and wait for the results.  Could be she is just getting a "hay belly".  We'll have to see!

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