Monday, October 24, 2011

The First Day

All was quiet when I went out this morning to feed the donkeys - until the girls started moving about to see what I was doing and Cody got excited and let out an impressive bray.  Bet my neighbors appreciated that at 8:30 in the morning.  The girls are very friendly and inquisitive, though a bit shy and skittish when you try to approach.  They had made a nice bed out of their hay in the stall but I appreciatively noticed that it appears they poo in a pile in one spot!  After years of cleaning up after my horse Rumba, who likes to grind everything into a nice mix, it is the small things that make me happy.  Cody, like Rumba, made a mess of his stall, having paced for a good portion of the evening, I suspect.  I spent a brief amount of time with them, fed them and headed off to work.  As I left the paddocks and got into the car, Vida followed me to the gate and stood watching as I pulled away.  Too cute!


After work I stopped at K&S Saddlery to exchange the weanling size halters that I had bought for suckling size; their heads were smaller than I thought!  Frida and Vida got purple and hot pink halters, respectively, and Cody got a manly baby blue.  The girls again greeted me upon arrival and Cody again brayed when they started moving away from him (or maybe because I was going to feed them soon.)  I really hope my neighbors don't mind too much... (When I had brought them home yesterday one neighbor came by after Cody let loose with an exceptionally loud, excited bray thinking that perhaps a horse was in distress!)  I put on the girls' new headgear and gave them a quick brushing - they seemed to quite enjoy that!  I went to go do the same for Cody but he wasn't all that interested and, considering what happened yesterday, I wasn't either.  Out of curiosity, when he put his nose through the fence in front of me, I put the brush up and he grabbed onto it strongly and didn't want to let go.  Definitely was not going to mess with him tonight!  I sat with the girls for a while more.  Vida was seemingly fascinated with me while I was sitting on the ground; she sniffed me for a good 5 minutes and then had her face mere inches from mine for another 10.  We had a good conversation while Frida enjoyed dinner.  I love how their big ears rotate when I talk to them.  Frida was funny when she went to get a drink from the trough, unsure of this black pool of water.  She stretched her little neck as far as she could before taking a good long drink.  All in all, I have fallen in love with these two sweet girls!  How could I not?!


Cody is going to work in the morning to get castrated.  I am hoping that this will help change his behavior and give him some relief from his current state of mind (and body).  He is a sweet boy when he is not all revved up, I swear!  I am not naive enough to think that there is a guarantee that it will be the solution but I will keep my fingers crossed.  If anything, I want to make sure he has the best life possible and, if that isn't with me and the girls, I will be sure to find his forever home.  But I sure hope it is with me...


  1. I think I will make the longear blog my nightly bed-time activity...I love those babys all ready!

  2. Love the picture of Vida peeking at you!
